
Useful Bike rental Baisilkeli

Per llogar les bicis i rodar per Copenhague al nostre aire vam decidir anar a buscar~les a aquest llok, BAISILKELI, ja que les envia a Africa.
Un projecte interessant, i que costa pensar que no se li hagi acudit abans a ning'u.

Amb les bicis hem cobert dist[ancies en un moment. S'on d=aquetes que frenen al pedalejar enrere (holandeses?). Primer t-has d-acostumar per[o despr'es ho agraeixes. Eren bicis de passeig de roda gran i avances molt r[apid!!

And help us to create a bicycle industri in Africa

The profits from our bike rental are financing the collection of used bicycles and the shipments to Africa. Here, the bikes help to create employment, education and better transportation options. In this way, the bikes are the core in Baisikeli’s philosophy for how the best development is made: Through sustainable business development with a focus on growth, industrial development and education.
