
Art Oriental, exotisme i espiritualitat

Per una consulta sobre la col·lecció oriental estic documentant algunes peces de la Xina i el Japó.

Tenim varis Kanon Bosatsu i dos Jizo Bosatsu.
Les figures, de fusta o de bronze, estan sobre flors de lotus, la flor que simbolitza la puresa, ja que neix en aigües pantanoses però sempre es manté neta.

Kannon is a Bodhisattva (Jp. = Bosatsu), one who achieves enlightenment but postpones Buddhahood until all can be saved. Kannon is mentioned in numerous Mahayana sutra (religious texts), especially the Lotus Sutra 法華経 (Hokekyō), which was translated into Chinese by Kumārajīva (Jp. = Kumarajū 鳩摩羅什, 350 - 410), who rendered Kannon’s name as “One Who Observes the Sounds of the World.” Kannon also appears in the Kegonkyō 華厳経 (Skt. = Avatamsaka Sutra) and Hannya Shingyō 般若心経 (Skt. = Prajnaparamita Sutra; Engish = Heart Sutra), as well as in scriptures of the pure land school like the Muryōju-kyō 無量寿経, and in tantric (esoteric) texts such as Jūichimen Kanzeon Shinju-kyō and Senju Sengen Darani-kyō.